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This section explains what needs to be done to activate staking.

update-gateway-settings.ts Dosyasnın Düzenlenmesi

Open the file with the code below.

nano $HOME/testnet-contract/tools/update-gateway-settings.ts

Then make the following changes: Remove the // from the beginning of the variables.

  1. const allowDelegatedStaking: boolean = true;
  2. const delegateRewardShareRatio: number = 10;
  3. const minDelegatedStake: number = 100;
  4. allowDelegatedStaking,
  5. delegateRewardShareRatio,
  6. minDelegatedStake,
You can review the areas that will be changed here.
import { JWKInterface } from 'arweave/node/lib/wallet';

import { IOState } from '../src/types';
import {
} from './utilities';

/* eslint-disable no-console */
// This script will update the settings for a gateway that is already joined to the network
// Only the gateway's wallet owner is authorized to adjust these settings
(async () => {

// the friendly label for this gateway
// const label = 'Test Gateway';

// the fully qualified domain name for this gateway eg.
// const fqdn = '';

// uncomment the below settings and update as needed
// the port used for this gateway eg. 443
// const port = 443

// the application layer protocol used by this gateway eg http or https
// const protocol = 'https'

// an optional gateway properties file located at this Arweave transaction id eg.
// const properties = 'FH1aVetOoulPGqgYukj0VE0wIhDy90WiQoV3U2PeY44'

// an optional, short note to further describe this gateway and its status
// const note = 'Give me feedback about this gateway at my Xwitter @testgatewayguy'

// The observer wallet public address eg.iKryOeZQMONi2965nKz528htMMN_sBcjlhc-VncoRjA which is used to upload observation reports
// const observerWallet = '';

// Enable or disable delegated staking. If true, other token holders can delegate their stake to this gateway
// const allowDelegatedStaking: boolean = true;

// Number between 0-100 indicating the percent of gateway and observer rewards given to delegates eg. 30 is 30% distributed to delegates
// The default is 0
// const delegateRewardShareRatio: number = 10;

// The minimum stake in IO a delegate must use for this for this gateway. Must be greater than the contracts minimum delegated stake
// The default is 100 IO
// const minDelegatedStake: number = 200;

// Get the key file used for the distribution
const wallet: JWKInterface = loadWallet();

// wallet address
const walletAddress = await arweave.wallets.getAddress(wallet);

// get contract manifest
const { evaluationOptions = {} } = await getContractManifest({
contractTxId: arnsContractTxId,

// Read the ANT Registry Contract
const contract = await warp
.syncState(`${arnsContractTxId}`, {
validity: true,

// Include any settings as needed below
const writeInteraction = await contract.writeInteraction(
function: 'updateGatewaySettings',
// label,
// fqdn,
// observerWallet,
// port,
// protocol,
// properties,
// allowDelegatedStaking,
// delegateRewardShareRatio,
// minDelegatedStake,
// note
disableBundling: true,

`${walletAddress} successfully updated gateway settings with TX id: ${writeInteraction?.originalTxId}`,

If you have completed the changes, run the following command:

cd $HOME/testnet-contract
yarn ts-node tools/update-gateway-settings.ts

About update-gateway-settings.ts File

This file is also used for other changes to be made.

For example, if you want to change your node description, you can remove the // in front of the code below, write the description section, write // in front of other variables and run the file;

// const note = 'Give me feedback about this gateway at my Xwitter @testgatewayguy'