Skip to main content Delegation Guide

This section describes what you need to do to delegate to someone else or to yourself.

Editing the delegate-stake.ts File​

Open the file with the code below.

nano $HOME/testnet-contract/tools/delegate-stake.ts

Then make the following changes:

  1. const qty = 100; You change the amount how much you want to stake
  2. const target = 'WALLET_ADDRESS'; You write the wallet address of the validator you want to delegate.

If you have completed the changes, run the command below to start the delegating process:

cd $HOME/testnet-contract
yarn ts-node tools/delegate-stake.ts

Don't forget to edit this file before each delegation, otherwise you will always delegate to the same address.

Addresses to Delegate​

You can delegate to the addresses below.

  • EhkVW8-6SnOm1UBVI-TJH2Hsmoz9ppv1jQMRaSo2W_g
  • lC5I5rQvGZn36DodBvWiMD_abkprE20p6GgGiZakk9Y
  • k5GhUmInR23Jt0I14A_EMFAtFHBCRSZyN7Ibr_2cY-k
  • Z7gvVfG9n_AXsCQL9hfpknYQawYR30DFNTuBAzWzoOk
  • vOrKy_8JvhhIxzWj7fe9E59AGKVi4Jb6YfgauAvCvxU
  • lCzTnlf_Xmi0I0CTtsZgCI-aljcf4L0H8GcrddkDH7Y
  • qJU-4reunu8JdPHrzCL2eH_vsyU_kljRcFWDgR8s-tU
  • QAGGs4RNR6e2gG0a0A3vrGRk2L6OlJxFPng5bfGNJUA
  • pqJmLkaXWjgSgsTB2_l5slTdRrx7lgzq1XTc4LRV0l4
  • lQ1e2TNADS1kLJy5gUTW2GS0s1po6s3GI15hHsgNKks
  • 9my2TT05SwQrk8TCXmASpr3nh_DuEIKh5GicUfn4d-Q
  • GY0MysWAv83ANosil942egXtxMxxlAPEiI1LFF5hxjA
  • EUc8hlu2jMeMRC8rF14OMJ8k5jZ9Mu-eAidjw_a5Vtw

If you write your addresses on our telegram channel, we will add them to the list.