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Updating the System​

apt update && apt upgrade -y

Installing the Necessary Libraries​

apt install ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release git htop tmux

Installing Docker​

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
apt-get update
apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
docker version

Installing Q​

cd $HOME
git clone

Creating Keystore Folder and pwd.txt File​

cd $HOME/mainnet-public-tools/validator/
mkdir keystore

Type the password you will use in your wallet where YOUR_PASS is written in the code below.

echo YOUR_PASS > keystore/pwd.txt


Creating a New Wallet​

docker run --entrypoint="" --rm -v $PWD:/data -it qblockchain/q-client:1.3.6 geth account new --datadir=/data --password=/data/keystore/pwd.txt

If the output is as follows, everything is OK.

Your new key was generated

Public address of the key: 0xb3FF24F818b0ff6Cc50de951bcB8f86b52287dac
Path of the secret key file: /data/keystore/UTC--2021-01-18T11-36-28.705754426Z--b3ff24f818b0ff6cc50de951bcb8f86b52287dac

- You can share your public address with anyone. Others need it to interact with you.
- You must NEVER share the secret key with anyone! The key controls access to your funds!
- You must BACKUP your key file! Without the key, it's impossible to access account funds!
- You must REMEMBER your password! Without the password, it's impossible to decrypt the key!

Then back up the files in your folder written (/data/keystore) in the output to keep them in a safe place.

Importing an Existing Wallet​

If you already have a wallet, copy the json file (starting like UTC) to the keystore folder as shown below. (/root/mainnet-public-tools/validator/keystore/).

| ...
| ...
β”” keystore
| UTC--2021-01-18T11-36-28.705754426Z--b3ff24f818b0ff6cc50de951bcb8f86b52287dac
| pwd.txt

Editing .env File​

cp .env.example .env
nano .env

When you open the file, write your wallet without 0x in the place where it says ADDRESS as in the code below, then make sure your own IP address is written in the IP section, then save and exit. (CTRL+X Y)

# docker image for q client

# your q address here (without leading 0x)

# your public IP address here

# the port you want to use for p2p communication (default is 30303)

# extra bootnode you want to use

Editing docker-compose.yaml File​

nano docker-compose.yaml

In the file, write your own moniker name (YOUR_MONIKER) and mainnet access key (MAINNET_ACCESS_KEY) in the --ethstats section similar to the one below and save it.


Editing config.json File​

nano config.json

In the address section of the file, write your wallet address without a leading 0x. Then write your wallet password in the password section (instead of supersecurepassword) and save the file.

"address": "b3FF24F818b0ff6Cc50de951bcB8f86b52287DAc",
"password": "supersecurepassword",
"keystoreDirectory": "/data",
"rpc": ""

Starting Node​

docker-compose up -d

Checking Logs​

docker-compose logs -f --tail "100"

Synchronizing Node Quickly​

docker-compose down && cd
rm -rf /var/lib/docker/volumes/validator_validator-node-data/_data/geth/chaindata
mkdir /var/lib/docker/volumes/validator_validator-node-data/_data/geth/chaindata
cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/validator_validator-node-data/_data/geth/chaindata

Go to Stake Craft snapshots service and copy the URL of the Q Blockchain and write it where SNAPHOT_URL is written below.

wget -O - SNAPHOT_URL | tar xf -

Then restart the node.

cd $HOME/mainnet-public-tools/validator/
docker-compose up -d
