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Allora Price Prediction Worker Node Installation

Updating the System, Installing Python and Installing Required Libraries

apt update && apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install python3 && sudo apt install python3-pip
apt install ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release git htop liblz4-tool screen wget make jq gcc unzip lz4 build-essential pkg-config libssl-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev libnss3-dev -y < "/dev/null"

Installing Docker

curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh

Installing Docker Compose

curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Installing Go

ver="1.22.2" && \
wget "$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz" && \
rm -rf /usr/local/go && \
tar -C /usr/local -xzf "go$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz" && \
rm "go$ver.linux-amd64.tar.gz" && \
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin" >> $HOME/.bash_profile && \
source $HOME/.bash_profile

Installing Allora & Wallet

git clone
cd allora-chain && make all

Creating a New Wallet

allorad keys add WALLET_NAME

Importing an Existing Wallet

allorad keys add WALLET_NAME --recover

Then import your wallet to Keplr.

Adding the Allora Network

Go to the Allora explorer page and add the network.

Allora Dashboard

We will monitor our scores on the Allora dashboard.


Request tokens for the Allora wallet from the Faucet.

Installing the Allora Huggingface Walkthrough Worker

cd $HOME
git clone
cd allora-huggingface-walkthrough

Creating the Data Files

mkdir worker-data
chmod -R 777 worker-data

Changing Port (Optional)

If there is another application on your server that uses port 8000, you need to change it.

Kullanmak istediğiniz port numarasını YOUR_PORT yazan yere girin ve kodu çalıştırın. Enter the port number you want to use in the place where it says YOUR_PORT and run the code.


Then run following code.

sed -i.bak -e "s%8000:8000%${YOUR_PORT}:${YOUR_PORT}%g" $HOME/allora-huggingface-walkthrough/docker-compose.yaml 

Creating the Config File

Run the code below by entering your wallet name and seed phrase.


Run the following code without any changes.

tee $HOME/allora-huggingface-walkthrough/config.json > /dev/null << EOF
"wallet": {
"addressKeyName": "$CUZDAN_ADI",
"addressRestoreMnemonic": "$MNEMONIC",
"alloraHomeDir": "/root/.allorad",
"gas": "1000000",
"gasAdjustment": 1.0,
"nodeRpc": "",
"maxRetries": 1,
"delay": 1,
"submitTx": false
"worker": [
"topicId": 1,
"inferenceEntrypointName": "api-worker-reputer",
"loopSeconds": 1,
"parameters": {
"InferenceEndpoint": "http://inference:8000/inference/{Token}",
"Token": "ETH"
"topicId": 2,
"inferenceEntrypointName": "api-worker-reputer",
"loopSeconds": 3,
"parameters": {
"InferenceEndpoint": "http://inference:8000/inference/{Token}",
"Token": "ETH"
"topicId": 3,
"inferenceEntrypointName": "api-worker-reputer",
"loopSeconds": 5,
"parameters": {
"InferenceEndpoint": "http://inference:8000/inference/{Token}",
"Token": "BTC"
"topicId": 4,
"inferenceEntrypointName": "api-worker-reputer",
"loopSeconds": 2,
"parameters": {
"InferenceEndpoint": "http://inference:8000/inference/{Token}",
"Token": "BTC"
"topicId": 5,
"inferenceEntrypointName": "api-worker-reputer",
"loopSeconds": 4,
"parameters": {
"InferenceEndpoint": "http://inference:8000/inference/{Token}",
"Token": "SOL"
"topicId": 6,
"inferenceEntrypointName": "api-worker-reputer",
"loopSeconds": 5,
"parameters": {
"InferenceEndpoint": "http://inference:8000/inference/{Token}",
"Token": "SOL"
"topicId": 7,
"inferenceEntrypointName": "api-worker-reputer",
"loopSeconds": 2,
"parameters": {
"InferenceEndpoint": "http://inference:8000/inference/{Token}",
"Token": "ETH"
"topicId": 8,
"inferenceEntrypointName": "api-worker-reputer",
"loopSeconds": 3,
"parameters": {
"InferenceEndpoint": "http://inference:8000/inference/{Token}",
"Token": "BNB"
"topicId": 9,
"inferenceEntrypointName": "api-worker-reputer",
"loopSeconds": 5,
"parameters": {
"InferenceEndpoint": "http://inference:8000/inference/{Token}",
"Token": "ARB"


Creating the Coingecko API key**

Get an API Key for yourself at

Write your own API in the code below, where it saysYOUR_API, and run the code.


Then run following code.

sed -i.bak -e "s%<Your Coingecko API key>%${APIKEY}%g" $HOME/allora-huggingface-walkthrough/ 

Running the Allora Huggingface Worker

chmod +x init.config
docker compose up --build -d

Checking the Logs

docker compose logs -f worker
docker compose logs -f

Allora Points

Go to Allora Points page and connect your wallet to check your scores.

Cheking Update the Node and ETH Price

curl http://localhost:8000/update
curl http://localhost:8000/inference/ETH

Completely Deleting the Node

rm -rf allora-chain
rm -rf .allorad
rm -rf basic-coin-prediction-node
bash -c "$(curl -s"