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Fuel Testnet Contract Deploy Guide


Transactions made here do not guarantee any rewards. Think of these actions as actions you will take to improve yourself.

Here it is explained how you can deploy a contract with GitHup Codespaces.


You can make your transactions by following the video below. Watch the video

First, we obtain root permission with the code below and continue the process in this way.

sudo su

Updating the System and Installing Required Libraries

apt update
apt upgrade -y
apt-get install curl git screen -y

Installing the Rust

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.3 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env

You can check the version.

rustc --version

Installing the Stable Version, Update and Default Set up

rustup install stable
rustup update stable
rustup default stable

Installing the Fuel

curl | sh
source /root/.bashrc

Installing and Updating the Fuel Toolchain

fuelup toolchain install latest
fuelup self update
fuelup update && fuelup default latest

Creating the Contract

mkdir fuel-project && cd fuel-project
forc new counter-contract

main.sw Dosyasını Düzenleme

nano counter-contract/src/main.sw

Open the file and delete everything in it, then paste the codes below, save and exit with CTRL, X, Y and Enter.


storage {
counter: u64 = 0,

abi Counter {
#[storage(read, write)]
fn increment();

fn count() -> u64;

impl Counter for Contract {
fn count() -> u64 {

#[storage(read, write)]
fn increment() {
let incremented = + 1;

Preparing the Contract

cd counter-contract
forc build


Importing an Existing Wallet

forc wallet import 

If the above code gives an error, use the code below.

forc-wallet import 

Creating a New Wallet

forc wallet account new

If the above code gives an error, use the code below.

forc-wallet new

Don't forget to keep your wallet words in a safe place.


Kontar deploy etmek için cüzdanımızda test ETH olması gerekiyor. Token almak için faucetsayfasına gidin.

Creating the Contract

After entering the code below, first type 0 and enter, and then type y and enter.

forc deploy --testnet

You can check the TX Hash given in the output from Fuel Explorer.