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Participation in Penumbra Summoning Ceremony Phase 2 has been completed.

Penumbra Ceremony Phase 2 Installation


You can check pcli version here.

Updating the System​

apt update && apt upgrade -y

Installing the screen​

apt install screen

Installing Penumbra pcli​

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
pcli --version

The version output will be pcli v0.77.2.

Updating pcli​


If you have participated in Phase 1 before and the previous pcli version is installed on your server, run the code below. If not, you do not need to do this.

pcli view reset

No wallet needs to be generated. The existing wallet will be used automatically.


You can download the Penumbra wallet here.

Creating a New Wallet​

Create a new wallet by running the code below.

pcli init soft-kms generate

Don't forget to save your wallet seed phrase!

Importing an Existing Wallet​

If you have participated in previous ceremony and already have a wallet, you can import it.

pcli init soft-kms import-phrase

Learning Wallet Address​

pcli view address 0


Request tokens by sending your wallet address to the #πŸš°β”ƒtestnet-faucet channel on the Discord server.

Sync Wallet​

pcli view sync

Checking Balance​

pcli view balance

Participating in the Ceremony Phase 2​

You may need to increase the bid at this stage. You can increase your own bid by checking the highest bet in Explorer. To do this, just change where it says 80penumbra. The process may take a long time, so run the code in screen. Press CTRL A D to exit the screen.

screen -S pen
pcli ceremony contribute --phase 2 --bid 80penumbra

Sharing on X​

Make a post that includes the contribution receipt hash.

Fill Out the Form​

Complete the Penumbra Summoning Phase 2 Attestations form.