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Rivalz Client Installation Guide

Updating the System​

apt update && apt upgrade -y

Installing the Necessary Libraries​

apt install curl build-essential pkg-config libssl-dev git wget jq make gcc chrony -y

Installing the NodeJS​

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
apt-get install -y nodejs
apt install nodejs
apt update -y && apt upgrade -y

Installing the NPM​

apt install npm

Installing the NPM Web3 Installation​

npm install web3@1.5.3

Installing the Client​

First, let's open a screen.

screen -S rivalz

Then let's install the client.

npm i -g rivalz-node-cli

Starting the Cient​

rivalz run

If you receive the warning Your version is outdated. Please run 'rivalz update-version' to update to the latest version run the code below.

rivalz update-version

Then again

rivalz run

When you run the code, it will ask the following;

  1. ? Enter wallet address (EVM): Your EVM wallet address that you use when connecting to your dashboard
  2. ? Enter CPU cores number you want to use (Max 6): Enter a number here according to your system. If there are 6CPUs and other nodes are also running, it would be better not to write them all.
  3. ? Enter Ram size you want to use (GB, Max 16 GB): Enter the amount of RAM you want to use here.
  4. ? Select disk type you want to use: (Use arrow keys) Press Enter while HD is selected.
  5. ? Select disk serial number you want to use (Enter if no option): Press Enter again.
  6. Enter Disk size of drive-scsi0 (HD) you want to use (GB, Max 600 GB): type the disk amount you want to use.


Verify your node by going to Node Validate page, connecting with your defined wallet and signing.